Great essay....and this is just the tip of a giant iceberg. A person couldn't make analysis of Jon Stewart's propaganda methods a PhD thesis, or even more considering the mass of amount of material there is to go through.

Actually, if the transcripts are available, it will written ChatGPT prompt could likely surface many thousands of instances of deceit and misinformation for further analysis.

Taking down this whole method (Jon is but one pr3actitioner) within our culture should be high priority, and bi-partisan because it harms everyone ultimately.

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Good point about Trump and his authenticity. I've heard many people claim he isn't authentic because he lies so much, but they misunderstand. He's authentic because when you hear him speak he convinces you that you you are getting the real Trump. The real Trump just happens to be crass and a liar, but his followers are so starved for authenticity from politicians that they value that above his obvious moral failings.

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